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Sayyid Dynasty (1414 – 1451 AD)



The Sayyid Dynasty was the fourth ruling dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, established after the fall of the Tughlaq Dynasty. The rulers of this dynasty claimed to be descendants of Prophet Muhammad (Sayyids). 

Key Rulers  

  • Khizr Khan (1414 – 1421 AD) 
    • Founder of the Sayyid Dynasty. 
    • Defeated Daulat Khan Lodi and captured Delhi. 
    • Ruled as a vassal under Timur’s successors (Mongols). 
    • Focused on consolidating power rather than expansion. 
  • Mubarak Shah (1421 – 1434 AD) 
    • Son of Khizr Khan. 
    • Attempted to establish an independent rule, reducing Mongol influence. 
    • Known for his administrative and military efforts. 
    • Assassinated in 1434 by nobles. 
  • Muhammad Shah (1434 – 1445 AD) 
    • Lacked strong leadership skills. 
    • Faced constant rebellions and weakening of central authority. 
    • Could not control the increasing power of nobles and regional governors. 
  • Ala-ud-Din Alam Shah (1445 – 1451 AD) 
    • The last ruler of the Sayyid Dynasty. 
    • Weak and ineffective ruler, unable to maintain control. 
    • Voluntarily abdicated the throne in favor of Bahlul Lodi, marking the rise of the Lodhi Dynasty. 

Decline of the Sayyid Dynasty: Increasing influence of the Lodhi clan, leading to Bahlul Lodi’s rise in 1451.