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Saint Poet Thiruvalluvar

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Siant Thiruvalluvar


  • He is also called Valluvar and was a Tamil poet-saint.
  • The period when he lived is debated between the 3rd - 4th century or the 8th – 9th century.
  • He is thought to be linked to Jainism. However, Hindus claims that Thiruvalluvar belonged to Hinduism.
  • Dravidian groups count him as a saint, as he dismissed the caste system.
  • His Contributions: He contributed to the Tirukkural or ‘Kural’ to the Sangam literature.

About Tirukkural

  • It is comprised of 133 sections of 10 couplets.
  • Each is divided into three books: Aram (virtue), Porul (government and society), and Kamam (love).
  • It is written in Tamil Language.