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Lake Tanganyika


Why in News? 

Countries bordering Lake Tanganyika Basin have initiated a five-year project to assess and mitigate transboundary threats to its biodiversity. 


  • Location: East Africa 
  • Bordering Countries: Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Tanzania, and Zambia 
  • Geographical Features 
    • One of the world’s oldest and deepest lakes, stretching over 400 miles in length. 
    • Lies at the southern end of the Western Rift Valley, with steep land formations along its shores. 
    • Forms a biogeographical divide between the flora of eastern and western Africa, with oil palms growing along its shores. 
  • Major Rivers Flowing In: Malagarasi, Ruzizi, and Kalambo. 
  • Outlet: Lukuga River, which drains into the Lualaba River. 
  • Economic Activities: Rice cultivation, subsistence farming, and fishing. 

 New Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation 

  • Led by: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 
  • Funded by: Global Environment Facility (GEF) 
  • Objectives 
    • Strengthen transboundary cooperation among the four bordering nations. 
    • Promote sustainable fisheries, biodiversity conservation, and restoration of degraded landscapes in the basin. 
    • Protect core conservation zones within three identified protected areas. 
    • Encourage sustainable natural resource management in protected areas and their buffer zones.