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Jordan’s King Abdullah Appoints U.S.-Educated Technocrat As PM

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Jordan’s King Abdullah has appointed Jafar Hassan, a senior aide at the royal palace, as the new prime minister following the resignation of the government on Sunday, according to a statement from the royal court.


Jordan's new Prime Minister Jafar Hassan

  • About Jordan
    • Capital: Amman
    • Official Language: Arabic
    • Currency: Jordanian Dinar
    • Population: Approximately 10.5 million (2023 estimate)
    • Political System: Constitutional Monarchy
      • The King holds executive and legislative powers, along with the government and parliament.
      • Head of State: King Abdullah II
      • Prime Minister: Jafar Hassan (appointed)
      • Parliament: Bicameral, consisting of the House of Representatives (elected) and the Senate (appointed by the King).
      • The King has significant powers, including appointing the government, dissolving parliament, and issuing laws by decree.
    • Economy
      • GDP (2023): Approximately $45 billion
      • Major Sectors: Services (tourism, financial services), industry (phosphates, potash), and agriculture (fruits, vegetables).
      • Jordan is heavily reliant on imports for energy and food.
      • Challenges: High unemployment, poverty, public debt, and water scarcity.
    • International Organizations
International Organization Member Since
United Nations (UN) 14th December 1955
Arab League Founding member in 1945
World Trade Organization (WTO) 11th April 2000
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 29th August 1952
World Bank 29th August 1952
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Founding member in 1969
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) 1964

Map of Jordan (to scale)