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Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC)

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  • It is also known as the Harappan Civilization.
  • In 1924, John Marshall, Director-General of the ASI carried out excavations in the Indus valley wherein the ruins of the two old cities, viz. Mohenjodaro and Harappa, were unearthed.
  • Important sites of IVC
Sites Important Findings Excavated By
  • Sandstone statues of Human anatomy
  • Granaries
  • Bullock carts
Daya Ram Sahini in 1921
Mohenjodaro (Mound of Dead)
  • Great bath
  • Granary
  • Bronze dancing girl
  • Seal of Pasupathi Mahadeva
  • Steatite statue of beard man
  • A piece of woven cotton
R.D Banerjee in 1922
  • A trade point between Harappa and Babylon
Stein in 1929
  • Bead makers' shop
  • Footprint of a dog chasing a cat
N.G Majumdar in 1931
  • Antelope evidence
N.G Majumdar in 1935
  • Fire altar
  • Camel bones
  • Wooden plough
Ghose in 1953
  • First manmade port
  • Dockyard
  • Rice husk
  • Fire altars
  • Chess playing
R.Rao in 1953
  • Beads
  • Barley
  • Evidence of both pre-Harappan and Harappan culture
J.P Joshi in 1964
  • Banawali
  • Beads
  • Barley
  • Evidence of both pre-Harappan and Harappan culture
R.S Bisht in 1974
  • Water harnessing system
  • Water reservoir
R.S Bisht in 1985

Important Indus Valley Civilisation Sites