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450th anniversary of Joti Jot Diwas of Shri Guru Amardas Ji

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About Shri Amardas Ji: Third Sikh Guru

  • Born: 5th May 1479
  • Died: 1st September 1574

Contributions to Sikhism

  • Langar System: Guru Amar Das Ji strengthened the practice of the community kitchen, or Langar, ensuring that all people, regardless of caste or status, sat together to eat, promoting equality.
  • Anand Karaj Ceremony: He established the Sikh Anand Karaj (marriage ceremony), which formalized the Sikh way of conducting weddings.
  • Empowerment of Women: Guru Amar Das Ji championed the rights of women by condemning practices like Sati (the self-immolation of a widow) and Purdah (the veiling of women). He promoted gender equality within the community.
  • Manji System: To spread Sikh teachings, Guru Amar Das Ji established the Manji system, appointing 22 representatives (both men and women) to lead congregations and spread the teachings of Sikhism in different regions.
  • Baoli Sahib: He constructed the Sri Baoli Sahib at Sri Goindwal Sahib (Punjab), which became a significant place for Sikh pilgrimages and religious gatherings.