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30th World Ozone Day

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  • World Ozone Day
    • World Ozone Day, celebrated annually on September 16th, marks the signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987, a key international agreement to eliminate the production and use of ozone-depleting substances (ODS).
    • Theme of 2024: "Montreal Protocol - Advancing Climate Actions"
  • About Ozone and Related Convention
    • The ozone layer, located in the stratosphere between 10 and 40 kilometers above Earth's surface, shields us from harmful UV radiation.
    • This protective layer, called stratospheric or good ozone, shields against health issues like cataracts and skin cancer, while also protecting agriculture, forests, and marine life.
    • However, man-made Ozone Depleting Substances have caused ozone depletion in the stratosphere.
    • The international community recognized the need for action, leading to the Vienna Convention in 1985 and the subsequent Montreal Protocol in 1987.