CUET Preparation Tips: Different Approaches to Attempt Humanities and Science Subjects

Conducted by the National Testing Agency, the CUET (Common University Entrance Test) 2024 has begun. Regardless of which stream you belong to: science, commerce or humanities, it's imperative for you to appear for the CUET examination, following which you can take admission in universities to pursue your higher education. This includes University of Delhi, Banaras Hindu University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Allahabad University and many more.
CUET Exam 2024 is being conducted in Hybrid mode i.e Pen and Paper and Computer Based Test (CBT). Also note, CUET is conducted for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses. (UG And PG).
The scheme of examination for CUET UG 2024 is as follows:
Section 1- Language
This section is divided into Section IA and Section IB. Section IA has a total of 13 languages, and Section IB has 20 languages. Out of 50 questions, students need to attempt 40 questions. The time available is 45 minutes.
Section 2- Domain Subject
In case of domain subjects, the time to complete the paper is 45 minutes, except in a few subjects, namely Accountancy, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science/Information Practices, Chemistry, Mathematics/Applied Mathematics where a candidate will get 60 minutes. Out of 50 questions, students need to attempt 40 questions.
Section 3- General Test
The time for the general test is 60 minutes. This would include general knowledge, general mental ability, numerical ability, quantitative reasoning, logical and analytical ability, current affairs. Out of 60 questions, students need to attempt 50 questions.
The maximum number of papers a candidate can appear for is six from all three sections. It's advisable for candidates to choose at least one language and the general test. However, Students should choose the six subjects based on the relevance of such subjects for their desired programme.
Marking Scheme:
The test pattern is objective type with MCQs. For every correct answer, you gain 5 marks. There is also a negative marking for each wrong answer. One mark is deducted for every wrong answer while there is no negative marking for unanswered/marked for review questions.
Approach for Science Subjects
- Understand the Pattern of Exam: Make sure to be familiar with the pattern of exam before you appear for CUET. This includes taking a look at the number of sections, the kind of questions asked, the marking scheme etc.
- Understand the syllabus: Starting with the syllabus is always the first thing you should do. Be through with your syllabus. Focus on your domain subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and try to analyse the weightage of topics.
- Build a strong foundation of concepts: As a science student, it is important to have your basics clear of the fundamental concepts of Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Mathematics. For example, in physics you must know the basic concepts of electricity, mechanics etc. Identify basic concepts of each subject and understand them well.
- Manage time through mock tests: Once you've done your syllabus thoroughly, it's time for you to practise and practise more, and manage time efficiently. For this purpose, mock tests will help you a lot.
- Revise, Practise, Revise: Revision is important for anyone appearing for any examination. Make sure you revise as much as possible. Practise numerical problems for subjects like physics, maths etc. Stay updated with current discoveries of your field.
- Stay consistent, and stay calm: The best way to master any subject is by staying consistent with the practice and by maintaining calm. Rest assured, you will win.
Approach for Humanities Subjects
- Know the exam pattern: For students of any stream, it is imperative for each student to know the pattern for examination. Only this sense of familiarity with the exam pattern can guide your preparation strategy.
- Analyse the syllabus: Review the syllabus very thoroughly. Dissect it into parts and know your subjects well, be it History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Sociology. Or Literature.
- Have a strong conceptual foundation: In humanities, almost all subjects are theoretical in nature. In that case, it is of utmost importance for any student from Humanities stream to have a very strong foundational understanding of the subjects. Unlike Science, you cannot gain marks through numerical questions.
- Know the interdisciplinary factor among your domain subjects: Most subjects today are interdisciplinary, and that is especially the case with humanities subjects. For instance, Political science is shaped by historical events, Economics is affected by politics and vice versa. Recognise the connections between different subjects and it will help your analytical abilities in future.
- Pay attention to current happenings: If you are choosing General Aptitude and have Political Science as one of the domain subjects, for example, make sure you pay some attention to the current happenings as well. This will help you to connect the textbook knowledge with real world happenings.
- Sample papers: Practise as many sample papers as you can before you appear for the examination. This will help you understand the kind of questions being asked, revise the concepts, effectively manage time and to be prepared with the exam conditions in advance.
Key Takeaways
While different subjects demand various different approaches that students must employ for their respective subjects, there are many similarities which should be followed by all students, irrespective of their streams.
- Regular practice is a key component for any exam. Once you are done with the syllabus, it's important to go back and revise. Mock tests should be taken by all students
- Maintaining consistency in your preparation will help you ace the exam. This way you would not feel burdened to complete everything at once.
- Seek guidance from your peers, teachers and mentors. They will help you with your doubts, and may help you build a strategy tailored especially for you.
- Managing time is very important for anyone appearing in the exam. It is important that you finish your exam on time.
- In the end, stay calm. You've prepared well for the exam and the results will speak for itself. Do not panic at all. Because All will be well!